This new educational video series answers all your most burning compensation questions, for newbies and seasoned veterans alike. Today’s topic: Getting that all-important seat at the executive table. Watch now!
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Check out the latest video in PayScale’s new series, Ask a Comp Pro! This new educational video series answers all your most burning compensation questions, for newbies and seasoned veterans alike. Today’s topic: Getting that all-important seat at the executive table. Watch now!
Finally want some respect? Payscale provides expert tips to encourage the CEO or CFO of any company to support the development of a strategic compensation plan. We share the secret for getting over the intimidation of pitching a compensation plan to higher ranking colleagues, even if you’ve never done this before.
How well you communicate this takes some research and a commitment to being the voice of reason as it relates to employee compensation. Do you have what it takes to take a seat at the executive table?
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